
Find out the latest news about Box Air Klima and the world of air conditioning, solar energy and electric mobility.

Per gli Installatori: Una Copertura Facile da Modificare, per Situazioni Impossibili

For Installers: An Easily Adaptable Cover for Challenging Situations

In the world of heat pump installation, there are situations that can challenge even the most seasoned professionals. Recently, we encountered one of these challenges, but with the help of Box Air ...

Cosa Ti Chiede il Manuale d'Installazione della Tua Unità A/C?

What Does Your A/C Installation Manual Ask of You?

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to overlook that installation manual that comes with your brand-new outdoor air conditioning unit? It's that little booklet often buried beneath layers of packa...

Proteggi la tua Wallbox Pulsar con la nostra Copertura Wallbox Cover!

Protect Your Wallbox Pulsar with Our Wallbox Cover!

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, and with them, the need for efficient and reliable charging stations. The Wallbox Pulsar is an excellent choice for charging your electric vehicle, ...

Massimizza l'Efficienza e la Protezione: Coperture Blade XL e XXL per Pompe di Calore

Maximize Efficiency and Protection: Blade XL and XXL Covers for Heat Pumps

Have you ever considered the importance of preserving your heat pump? If you're one of those homeowners who care about the well-being of your home, then you've surely already thought about the sign...

Scopri la nuova stazione di ricarica per veicoli elettrici di Box Air Klima

Discover the new Box Air Klima electric vehicle charging station

We are thrilled to unveil our latest innovation: Box Air Clima's New Electric Vehicle Charging Station! This remarkable product represents a leap forward in the convenience and elegance of electric...

Trasforma la Tua Casa con la Magia della Cover Clima Curve!

Transform Your Home with the Magic of Cover Clima Curve!

These photos have been sent to us by a satisfied customer – take a look at the difference! Have you ever wished that the outdoor unit of your air conditioner didn't ruin the appearance of your beau...

Un Viaggio nel Tempo e nel Design

A Journey through Time and Design

In this special article, we take you on a journey through time and design of our beloved Air Conditioner Covers. We have prepared a photo for you, capturing some of our most iconic models, photogra...